Free: BNIP ($ TAG REMOVED) "Jelly Bellies" Very Cherry SCENTED - Cell Phone Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: BNIP ($ TAG REMOVED) "Jelly Bellies" Very Cherry SCENTED

BNIP ($ TAG REMOVED) "Jelly Bellies" Very Cherry SCENTED
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The listing, BNIP ($ TAG REMOVED) "Jelly Bellies" Very Cherry SCENTED has ended.

Not only is your Touch protected and stylish, but the Jelly Belly Very Cherry scented gel case smells amazing! Fits iPod Touch.

I ship the first business, non=holiday day within 24-72 hours of receipt of winners LISTIA VERIFIED SHIPPING ADDRESS! Please do not email me an address, Please FOLLOW LISTIA RULES, as this protects you and I BOTH =) I happily Add Delivery Confirmation # free as well and will be sure to send it, the evening I ship your item =)
I keep in touch daily (Or at least as Often as possible, within reason) untio I ship and would be appreciative if you would let me know as promptly as possible when you receive your Item =)
Thank you for your time and interest =) Have Fun!! As ALWAYS, FREE US SHIP W' DELIVERY CONF # Provided =)

Questions & Comments
Can it b used for 4th generation itouch?
Fanned and watching :)
May 1st, 2012 at 9:20:00 AM PDT by
So sorry dear, at this exact moment, I am unsure. So far Alls I know is what the package says, BUT.... I will go look it up here in juuuuusta few, and I will send another reply for ya, so I can letcha know what all I find out... Fanned ya =)
May 1st, 2012 at 8:54:19 PM PDT by
Okeyday my friend, I looked it up and this one simply spoecifies "IPod Touch" Wish I knew more, but the package and the dot com, both ONLY say "IPod Touch"... =( I'm so sorry, I wish it gave more info, and I have a Droid, so Idk wether or not it will fit which specific device, except for what it says in the dot com/on the package.... I will ask the husband if he knows more than I can find, by chance, I sure will try to see for ya....
May 1st, 2012 at 9:16:24 PM PDT by
Thanks :) will b watching anyway, I just wanted 2 know if it's for the iPod touch =)
Thanks4 everything
May 1st, 2012 at 10:36:12 PM PDT by
Thanks hunn, Wish I knew mre. But I can only quote what the pack and .com tell me which, sadly..... Is next to nothing ...
Thanx for dropping in anyhoo
May 3rd, 2012 at 3:58:53 PM PDT by
What generation is it'?
May 2nd, 2012 at 12:56:06 PM PDT by
I wish I had mre information, but this is quite LITTERALLY the ONLY info on the package AND even on the .com that describes the accessory =( Wish I had more for ya my fellow listianite =(..... No where does the .com or packaging, or even the display (Went back to the store to jot down what the info on the display was, and all it said was "each package discribes fitting device") I'm very sorry my friend... I've truly listed ALL the intell I have for this item(s).... They certainly did not help out with info, that's, sadly, for sure =( Again, so very sorry... Wether you bid or not however, Thank you for dropping in and taking a peeek....
May 3rd, 2012 at 3:51:16 PM PDT by
May 4th, 2012 at 5:46:41 PM PDT by
TYVM!!! Fanned ya back my fellow Listianite Friend =)
May 4th, 2012 at 6:45:28 PM PDT by
after studying ur pictures and googling some images, this looks like it will only fit the 4th generation ipod. 4th gen ipods have a front facing camera on the front center and on the back in the upper left corner. the little hole on the backside tells me 4g only. most of the cases being sold in stores are only for 4g's. not my old 2g. have to shop online for mine just cuz its not brand spankin new. depending on much thinner the 4g is to the 2g & 3g (i have a 2g) so im not sure how loose this will fit on mine. will keep watching and fanned. hope u fan back. thanks and take care :O) hope this info helps ur and/or ur bidders.
May 4th, 2012 at 9:22:46 PM PDT by
I so totally and completely am in your debt my fellow Listianite Friend!!! =) YOU are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fan Fanned You!!!!! All SIlly boasting aside, you truly are wonderful for helping out! Thank you isn't enough. Please lemme know of there is EVVVVVVVER ANYthing I can assist you with....
May 4th, 2012 at 11:02:17 PM PDT by

BNIP ($ TAG REMOVED) "Jelly Bellies" Very Cherry SCENTED is in the Cell Phones | Cell Phone Accessories category