If you take it to a UPS Store, they will pack and ship it for you. You can also take the guitar to their store before the auction ends and have them give you a shipping estimate. Have you got a UPS store near you that would enable you to do this? Also ... people will bid higher, and with more confidence, if you verify your phone and bank account with Listia. Plus one more thing. You need to do another update removing the offer of selling this for cash. It is against Listia's rules, as this is a free site. If you don't do this, someone will flag your auction and get it removed. I suggest you do this right away, because no one will bid with confidence until you do this. No one wants to bid on an auction that is probably going to be flagged and removed. I am willing to bid to win if you verify your phone, and bank account, and make the statement retracting your offer to sell for cash.
Also ... if you have a facebook account, you should connect your Listia account to it ... it will enable people to see who you are, and thus bid with more confidence. Many 'children', although not permitted to have an account, will lie about their ages to gain access o Listia, and list items for auction that they don't actually possess or have the right o auction off. They keep the winning credits, and never ship the items. If you do the things I've suggested, people will be less likely to think you are one of these children.
If it is your wish to delete this auction until you are more comfortable and ready to post such, you can make the request by clicking this link: http://help.listia.com/requests/new
then, use the drop down arrow under "Request Type" "I am a seller" "I wish to delete an auciton"
This will save you far more headaches than trying to bid on the high bidders auction and it will prevent you recieving negative feedback :)
Hang in there! Start smaller, perhaps, until ya get more familiar with the process and feel ready to tackle a larger item :)
Hey Lance, I cannot really answer for the person who listed this auction but just in case they haven't time to respond... In what I've read it seems Calihotboy is a lil unsure about how Listia works and wants to wait. I shared how to get this deleted to save some agg, let us hope they find it and are able to do so before anyone is disappointed.
To anyone who decides to bid regardless of these comments, please remember we were ALL New once, show some luv :) Perhaps in time, this will be relisted!