Free: Spiral Healing Bracelet/Suncatcher That May Assist the Grieving Process - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Spiral Healing Bracelet/Suncatcher That May Assist the Grieving Process

Spiral Healing Bracelet/Suncatcher That May Assist the Grieving Process
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Handcrafted. Here is a combination of gemstones that may assist in the grieving process. There is no one way or right way to grieve. We do it our way. There are several gemstones that are helpful and I will offer more combinations soon.
Last photo is Homer my Dove, he loves to help me.


APACHE TEAR- is the gentle clearer form of Obsidian. It is the perfect receptacle for your grief and for the emotions that accompany it. It accepts any negative feelings and transmutes them into positive beneficial vibes, holding a safe space for you to grieve.
This is a stone of protection that wraps around your heart to give you the space you need to heal. If you feel hollow inside, it will protect that space until you can once again fill it with love.

ANGELITE- It transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness. Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing.

ROSE QUARTZ- is a beautiful and gentle crystal that heals the heart of past and present pain. It is calming and fills us with love. Wear a rose quartz necklace or pendant over the heart chakra for powerful healing. I recommend this stone because it fills our heart with gentle love as it heals us. It encourages us to stay open, helping us to move on when the time is right.

AMETHYST- is a wonderful stone to induce tranquility and contentment whilst it also works on soothing any form of negative emotion that is being held onto. It can clear blocked energy and may help one move out of grief or depression sooner.

RHODOCHROSITE-can help with grief and banish negative thoughts from one's mind. It can aid in bringing back cheerful thoughts and spontaneity.
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AVENTURINE- Green Aventurine is a strong heart healer and protector. It fosters a sense of calm and well being, bringing things back into control. Green Aventurine is also helpful in healing emotional imbalance, as well as teaching one how to live more fully from their heart.
Jul 5th, 2018 at 7:53:40 PM PDT by

Spiral Healing Bracelet/Suncatcher That May Assist the Grieving Process is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category