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The listing, 7 Box Tops For Education BTFE has ended.
7 Box Tops For Education
Expiration dates 3/20 & above
Baby Duck Boyd was under a tree in my yard as I live on the river..Mother never came back for it so it will go to a Bird Wildlife Rehab near my home..It is doing great & very noisy..lol...
Boyd is a male Wood duck & is at the Wildlife Rehab..He will be released back into the wild this fall & maybe he will come back to visit..Por ti Volare Boyd xoxo
***** Please remember our veterans & those currently serving. God Bless those who love & care for them *****
Questions & Comments
Just checking in on you....I'm ready to take a break....people just don't realize the value (or lack, thereof) of the XNK...time to make a big donation to my local thrift store!
That thought is common these days..many are GIN only & run 21 days for best results...I used GIN without much INK & paid the difference with my debit card on file..Seller got their value & I got a good deal
Hey there!!! My sentiments exactly..Ink is a good thing in the long run for those who want to cash out but crypto currency, coin based wallets are confusing to a lot understandably..We have options sarling Lady Hawk & pm me..So very nice to see you xoxo