FREE: unlocked black 16 gb iphone 3gs with accessories
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The listing, unlocked black 16 gb iphone 3gs with accessories has ended.
I don't want this phone no more because I upgraded to an iPhone 4s and don't see no need for this I factory resetted the phone and it comes with the usual charger, beats audio earbuds, and the screen protector I had on from day one and surprisingly no scratches anywhere because I used this phone for talk and text with the case I had but gave it to a friend in need. So happy bidding
Questions & Comments
Can you please take a picture with your username on a piece of paper next to the phone? is there any damage?
I will put it up later on in the day I'm sleepy and I have to respond to all you guys comments and as said in the description no scrartches or any signs of use
[IMPORTANT: How YOU respond to this polite request will tell us all if you are legit. Sure, YOU can HIDE my comment and BLOCK ME. But many many many Listians know about this message because I leave the exact same one on many auctions like yours. If they see a HIDDEN COMMENT from OldDogEyes (me) on an action with a ZERO FEEDBACK seller (you), they will know that you HID this request and know that YOU are in fact NOT LEGIT]
Welcome to Listia!
Polite Request: Can you please post a picture of the item with a paper that has your username on it? As a new Listia user this is helpful to let us (your potential bidders) know that you are legit and in fact do have the item in your possession.
If you choose to ignore this request, 1) you will definitely get less bids and 2) your auction will be flagged by many Listians and will likely be deleted by a Listia Moderator. So if you are a legit user, please take this important step...
In the meantime I have FLAGGED this auction which will summon a moderator. I encourage others to FLAG it as well. Of course if/when you post the picture(s) that I have requested, I'll gladly remove the FLAG. This isn't meant as an insult or accusation of anything. It's a simple request to vet yourself and your item. BTW, I am aware that this may SEEM like a rude message. Please understand that it is NOT intended to be rude in anyway and LEGIT sellers often appreciate the tips on how to legitimize their auctions.
Good luck!
PS A tip to fellow Listians ... I bid on every "fake" auction so that, once the auction is deleted, I get a message "An auction that you bid on has been removed"
First of all many people on listia don't do that second why are you picking on me I never did you wrong third all my auctions are real and not fake fourth I'm in a different time zone and I listed this item late at night so I went to sleep and woke up to all these notifications of all you guys asking me all these questions and last for not least get a life and the damn auction just started OMG !!!!!
It doesn't have a phone company but it can change to phone company's like T-Mobile at&t h20 airvoice if you heard of that etc as long as the phone company puts there chip inside the phone it will be running on their network that's a tech called GSM but it can't be changed to carriers like sprint or Verizon because they have a tech called cdma
You people need to ask (not being bossy) the seller, and if the seller doesn't comply then don't bid. Simple as that. That's the seller's loss, not yours, for not getting bids. I don't understand your fussings at the seller. It is up to the rest of us to bid or not. This seller offers free shipping and if you don't get your tracking number or response from seller by the end of seven days, request for refund of credit. Relax and let us enjoy Listians without any negativitys.
You shouldn't be posting an auction that you can't reply to then. People are curious as to if this is a scam or not(thinking it is, more and more) anyone can post an auction and say "no scrartches or any signs of use " just to get credits. Pictures are very important(with your name on a piece of paper next to it)because then we know you didn't get the picture of google for goodness sake. Go ahead and block my comment, the moderator will still be able to read it and I have flagged your auction as well, due to the lack of photos.
Fanned&watching :) I can see you're new at this, so Welcome to Listia! I want to bid in your auction, but Idk if its real or fake, so, I'm going to when you upload that picture wt your username on it ?
i understand the seemingly mean, rude, or pushy sounding comments. if ur new to listia u prolly dont know about the numerous auctions people post knowing good and well that they arent gonna even send the item! its always the good stuff too like xbox games and iphones and such. its very disappointing and frustrating, but hopefully this auction is real! *watching*
Listia = 70% Scams, 30% Real Auctions, that is why people are so demanding. It gets very frustrating dealing with all these scammers so noobies like yourself will get "picked on" until you can establish yourself as being legit. After you get scammed about a hundred times you will most likely end up being very pushy & demanding yourself.