Here today, we have a well established PREGNANT ONION BULB. Pregnant Onions are easy to grow!! The only trick is N*O*T to BURY the onion bulb all the way--only by about half way up the bulb, with the potting soil, (SEE PHOTOS!) They like a LOT of LIGHT (NOT SUN), so mine live in a very bright window, that gives it LIGHT--but NOT direct sun!! They like little water---and prefere to be on the dry side. Once the bulb grows to about an inch and 1/2 to 2", it will start having BUMPS under the skin. The skin will split and peel off, releasing the BABY BULB. "BABIES" can then be harvested, planted blunt end down, half way up the bulb (DO NOT BURY THEM ALL THE WAY!!), watered and before you know it, it will also start with a green LEAF. These plants really DO NOT LIKE to be terribly wet---and it will rot the bulb. If you tend to OVERWATER your plants--DO NOT DO IT WITH THESE!! Little water--not buried very deep and LOTS of bright light (no direct sunlight) is the ticket to a fast growing, productive Pregnant Onion!!