the book has 1 bid on it. I an not be sure that you and that 500 will be the highest bid BUT IF you are the i wil do it for 501 also just because you put in the highest bid right now lets say 7777 and the auction ends the site will only deduct a few credits over the current to make you highest bidder, like the other one bid is 101 you put in 501 you become top bidder, but it will say highest bid to beat is 105 just letting u know
i know!! i was saying i bid 500 ,for free shipping n the bid will keep going from there, ill keep bidding. i c ur not goin 2 work with me on this?? good luck with your auction
no u dont get it., no matter what ya bid t will only go over the other persons bid by a few, , if you put in 500, the bid will go up to who ever looks 110 ish, , if no one else bids then it wont go up any more . it is an odd system. I under stand what you saying, If it work, go for it, when the final bid is an auction over and your the last bid and its 500 or even higher , the book your no shipping fee