Free: 2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead - Coins - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead

2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead
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The listing, 2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead has ended.

The high bidder will receive 2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead as pictured!

Take the time to check out my other auctions - you NEVER know what I will list!

Good Luck!
Questions & Comments
Are these cracks common?
May 26th, 2012 at 7:12:12 PM PDT by
In general? - yes.
Truly valuable? - not in the truest sense of the word - they are not as valuable as a Doubled Die, CUD, or massive Die Clash errors.
But there are folks that collect this type of error - so this particular one might be one they want for their collection.
Thus... I offer them up for FREE.
May 26th, 2012 at 7:22:47 PM PDT by

2011 P Lincoln Shield Cent Gem BU - Error Die Crack w/ Chip Obv - Crackhead is in the Collectibles | Coins category