The listing, The Fox & The Hound HD MA code has ended.
HD digital copy of Disney's The Fox & The Hound for (MA).
Alternatively, redeem on iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, Amazon Video or FandangoNow via Redeem Digital Movie (RDM).
This is not a split code. Some sellers will split a code, and list a Google Play redeemable half, and then list the other half. I do not do this, in order to protect my buyers.
This code came with the Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack, and is redeemable at or
Most of the streaming services for Disney digital copies are in high-definition (HD), regardless of whether the code came from a DVD or a Blu-Ray. Please check with your streaming provider for clarification.
This code will not provide you with Disney Movie Rewards (DMR) points.
Code & instructions will be sent via Listia message (digital delivery). Usually within 24 hours, however Listia sellers have up to 7 days to deliver an item.
There is no disc to mail out. Also, since this is an unused one-time-use-only code, once sent I cannot provide a refund for a code which you will have received & redeemed.
The GIN-price will be reduced daily until the auction is won. However messages or comments regarding the GIN-price will be deleted/hidden.
Please check my feedback for almost two thousand happy customers who have received & redeemed codes.