The listing, golden chain tree seeds has ended.
i have 4 pods of golden chain tree seeds available to share. fresh from my yard. Each pod has about five small seeds inside.
The scientific name for the lovely small tree is laburnum anagyroides. It is a rather ordinary looking tree when not in bloom, but when the flowers appear, the tree transforms into a vision of loveliness. The blooms will last for around 10 to 12 days, during which time the clusters of yellow flowers which are displayed dramatically, suspended in wisteria fashion giving the tree the appearance of dripping with golden chains.
. The tree does best in USDA zones 5 through 7, but does not do well in warmer temperatures.
All parts of the tree are, toxic alkaloid if taken internally. With the association between the tree and the pea family, the seeds of the tree have a similar appearance to a pea. . Eating the plant in any form; flowers, twigs or seeds can prove to be fatal, so it is extremely important to consider these flaws in the otherwise beautiful tree before planting.
Planting a Golden Chain is not a difficult task. Propagating from seed can be done by collecting them after they have dried on the tree and planting in a container of potting soil as deep as the seed is long. Keep the container outside throughout the winter to simulate natural winter conditions, and in the spring, a sprout should be evident. Once the seedling is strong enough, it can be transplanted directly into the ground. Soil that receives good drainage is needed in an area that is well sheltered from the wind and strong sun. The delicate bark of the tree tends to scorch in the hot midday sun, as does the foliage.
I have a several in my yard and they are my pride and joy