FREE: 100 SEEDS Yellow Roses Rose Cheerful Joy Delight Friendship Flower Bulk B3005
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The listing, 100 SEEDS Yellow Roses Rose Cheerful Joy Delight Friendship Flower Bulk B3005 has ended.
Can't wait to get or have no enough credit to bid, find my ebay store to buy it, $0.99 Each=] Method: copy the item title 100 SEEDS Yellow Roses Rose Cheerful Joy Delight Friendship Flower Bulk B3005 in eBay search bar to search it=] and you will find the item description here, include how to grow, seeds informations=] cheers
Questions & Comments
Are you the same person that's found all the others and how long do you think it will take to get to texas and are you really going to send those flowers or did you post them on accident an can you post real pics of the rose that you have started thank you so much for that information themed be perfect for mothers day next year and I'm 13 so can you give me advice on when to plant these so they will be pretty on mothers day I have the soil and I have a green thumb and have a great summer I think if it is summer