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The listing, 2 Oil lamps has ended.
Works like a charm. Uses household lamp oil, NOT COLEMAN oil.
Questions & Comments
Do you mean Kerosine? I have a couple of these for emergency lighting and I love them. Is it choice between the two or for both? In any case, I could use them if the power goes off, and if I win the bid on the hat, I'll be able to find it in the dark!!
Your funny. My kinda friend. Glad you got all your answers from me. Happy bidding. I hope you win too. Would like to keep in touch if that's cool with you. Can never have to many friends. :)
No, NOT Kerosine, not Coleman fuel but reg. household lamp oil. The stuff ya buy at WM by the lamps section. The auction is for BOTH. LOL, there ya go, I burn oil lamps all winter long.
Not sure the difference. Is it clear? We have many Amish households here and they use clear Kerosine for the lamps. There is another type which is reddish in color but smokes when used in lamps. I use the clear. The next time I'm in Wally world I'll look and see what your talking about. May be a form of kero, but even more refined. Don't know for sure. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me. I'll try to think up something else to ask you about. Just sayin :)
Oh, you are sooooo lucky. I LOVE the Amish and even more so, the Hutterites. In fact the Hutts are really awesome friends of mine. The main coloney in Spokane, Washington anyhow. Karisine smokes and you can't use this in the house. Send your email addy to me at anewme1198@aol.com and I will send you a pic. of what I'm talkin about. I just went out & took pics. for you.
Got the pics, thanks. I have seen the oil in WM. I don't know much about the "Hutts" but if there anything like the Amish here, they are doing pretty well. This area is farm land and many of the old farms are being bought up and used again by the Amish. It's nice to see the land and buildings being used again.
First off, tell me you changed your pic. on here. I don't remember seeing this one b4 and I thought it was a pic. of just you. OR...................am I already that far gone to not know who the heck I'm talkin too? Trust me, the Hutts are VERY well off. I LOVE to see people do with the land what God intended for us to do with it. I am ALL about nature and when I see nature taking place, It really warms my heart.