I will do that as long as people do not mind me doing that. What would people prefer? I want to make sure everyone can be certain that there is a brand new kindle fire in there but I don't want it to lose its value
It would probably be a good idea to open it and show it turned on with your listia name with it. That way we know that it does in fact work. Thank you for being so concerned. You're a wonderful lister!!! f & w
well I do have a picture of the box unopened with my name next to it and then upon request I opened the box and have my name next to it. I would rather not take it further out of the plastic because this is a brand new unopened kindle but if I have another person suggest it, I will.
Great auction. Any possibility of shipping towards Canada? If Free shipping is not possible, then winner pays shipping via PayPal. Thanks and watching.
depending on the cost I might be able to arrange something, I could do the cost of somewhere in US and then if from canada, the rest is payed with paypal
These are awesome! I just myself got one as a gift from family and they are so cool and once you get things downloaded on them they are great for waiting at docs offices and different things like that or just on a trip to have something to do! I love reading my books on it too! Just thought I would let you know they are wonderful! fanned ya! =)
So I know these hold books, games, and probably music too, can one get on facebook with this? I see the blue F in the pic. I'm hoping it can access the internet! Hey I'm old, but I do not have a fear of learning and I'm pretty good with my computer!
I'm going to be a little hard to beat, I really want this. So I'll be watching very closely, and bidding higher and higher as I need to. I've been very blessed this last week, and my credits are out the chimney, Or on a dang rocket is more like it, I'm rolling in the credits with more rolling in every day. Wish you had a GIn, cause I'd take it.
if it's still in the box and it has never been opened why are you auctioning it on here? i wouldn't sell this if i just got it. i would use it for a while.
I don't need it because I'm a college student and got it as a present. I have enough to read with my text books. Would people rather me open it and then sell it?
Hello, In order to have better results with your auction, please add more details regarding your item. Information such as make, model number, condition, any known issues and any other specific details particular to your item will go a long way in instilling confidence in potential bidders. This will also reduce the number of questions that your bidders will have to ask. For an even more productive auction experience, we also recommend that you post a clear, close-up picture of your item with it powered on (showing current date clearly if it has that capability), as well as with it powered off. A picture of the back side too will help you, all with the same background. Also, it's HIGHLY recommended that you write your Listia username on a piece of paper and have it next to your item when you take a picture of it. It adds bidder confidence that you in fact have this item in your possession. While this isn't a requirement, this is requested so that sellers get higher bids from more bidders, and for the protection of our users who might be interested in bidding on your item. It'll also prevent your auction from getting flagged by users. We don't want your auction to get deleted for seeming like it's not real. Thanks for your cooperation and good luck with your auction!
- The Listia Moderator Team
May 29th, 2012 at 5:25:36 PM PDT by
Okay, so I uploaded a few pictures with my name in it and posted a link with the specs, Would people rather me take it out of the box and show pictures?