Free: 21 Fortune Cookie Papers - Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 21 Fortune Cookie Papers

21 Fortune Cookie Papers
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I have 21 fortune cookie papers. These can be used for the lottery (unfortunately i'm too young D:), scrapbooking, card-making or anything else a crafters heart desires (be creative)!!! Read below to view what each fortune says as my camera is not that good.

Fortune Quotes:
1) Never spit against the wind.
2) Restrain yourself from intruding into other's business.
3) Now is a good time to expand your repertoire of skills and knowledge.
4) Establish harmony and balance in your life.
5) People are naturally attracted to you.
6) Aspire to be great-then help others.
7) A part of us remains wherever we have been.
8) You'll never know what you can do until you try.
9) Sometimes a stranger can bring great meaning to your life.
10) Lies and sorrow may float through the air, but truth and happiness live inside yourself.
11) An understanding heart warms all that are graced with its presence.
12) A banker is someone who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining.
13) No one is standing in your way anymore, time to moving forward.
14) Slaying the dragon of delay is no sport for the short-winded.
15) A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
16) Ambition is the incentive that makes purpose great and achievement greater.
17) It's is very possible that you will achieve greatness in your lifetime.
18) You are going to take a trip to the seaside.
19) A pleasant surprise is in store for you.
20) Joy comes from adventure today.Time to shake the world.
21) Wealth is not in making money but in making the man while he is making the money.

Note: All the papers have been ironed so that they lay flat and don't curl or bend.

Rules: All papers will be sent to the winner if address is verfied by (June 17, 2012). If not, I reserve the right to keep the credits and relist this auction via listia rules.
I'll ship within 3 days of the auction ending the cheapest way (packaging might not be the prettiest) and also with DC.
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21 Fortune Cookie Papers is in the Crafts | Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts category