The listing, BEADWORK June/July 2007 has ended.
BEADWORK 20+ soothing Summer Projects
Seeds & Chain a steely zen necklace * 35 fabulous beaded bags * Bead a cool hidden clasp!
Photo: Cover, Content pg, select few
If you'd like to see more inside you could go into to see if they have item or if its out-of-print and/or look inside book.
******* Please Read Below ********
I will ship in secure package. I will ship 3rd business day after closing.
I check messages & comments in morning and in evening. I will try to be available an hour before closing to answer any questions.
I will NOT miss-lead anyone as I would hope others do the same. Please ask your questions before closing.
REGARDING REFUNDS - winner has to return item at their expense before I will refund credits.
Please take the time to let sellers know you received your item and give a quick honest feedback. I will return feedback after you have completed yours to me.
Thank you so much & I wish you a wonderful day!