Free: ~*~*Assortment HOLLYHOCK~Althea Rosea~ - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~*~*Assortment HOLLYHOCK~Althea Rosea~

~*~*Assortment HOLLYHOCK~Althea Rosea~
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The listing, ~*~*Assortment HOLLYHOCK~Althea Rosea~ has ended.

~*~*~10 Seeds~*~*~

Hollyhocks must establish a root system first, and then they can produce the stalk(s) of flowers you love so much. Often they are planted in the fall to give them a chance to establish a system during the winter months. While other plants are loafing and going into dormancy, the hollyhock foliage is still green! When spring arrives, your fall planted babies will burst into growing and produce blooms that summer. This is why most people plant them in the fall, but it is not a must. It is vital that you keep your baby hocks watered regularly to ensure a strong and healthy root system to carry it through the winter cold.
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~*~*Assortment HOLLYHOCK~Althea Rosea~ is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category