Free: white blackberry, VERY rare - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: white blackberry, VERY rare

white blackberry, VERY rare
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The listing, white blackberry, VERY rare has ended.

My friend and I have hiked the Appalachians for over thirty years gathering wild herbs and berries. Today we came upon something we've never seen. We only foraged a small amount to research it. This is a very rare find and we are so excited about it. The berries were ripe, growing in amongst groups of russian blackberries. We were in an extremely remote area. They are a little more tart than the blackberries we were picking, and delicious. I have ten berries and since they are so rare, we thought it best to try to grow them. I am straining the berries tonite for the seed, will dry them and will send half of what we get to the winning bidder. We are gatherers, not gardeners, so we are hoping someone with knowledge and skill will hopefully produce some results, and let us know how it goes? Since they are such a rare berry, we hope to hike again in hopes the coyotes havent eaten what was remaining. One of the professors at UT was very excited about our find after my friend contacted them for identifying it. Boy would i like to try to make some jelly out of these, lol, however, our first desire is to try to grow them. Whoever wins this auction will be a very lucky person. I can find no one on searches that sell this berry. I think it's that rare.
Again, auction is for half of whatever seeds we get out of these ten berries. They will need to be stratified before planting. Hope someone gets this that will help us to spread the species.
The pic of the ten berries in the plate were dropped in our regular berry bucket and that is why they have some purple stain on them. Today was a good day...........
Questions & Comments
This is awesome! I grow berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, huckleberries, etc.) and I'm always looking for more and unusual seeds! What a wonderful discovery! Fanned, watching and will definitely be bidding. Thank you! =)
Jun 13th, 2012 at 5:26:32 PM PDT by
we gather all of the above you mentioned, and more. We have found several varieties of blackberry, russian being my favorite. Have you grown blackberries from seed? I have no green thumb but am so excited with this unusual berry I just have to give it a try. I would prefer trying to dig up the entire plant, but because it is so rare, and not one you usually find in the wild, I don't want to disturb it. I keep wondering how the jelly would look, lol, all white. Eat your heart out Gordon Ramsey. fanned you back.
Jun 13th, 2012 at 6:09:34 PM PDT by
Yes, I've grown several different varieties of blackberries from seed, but I've never seen white ones before! I've never even heard of them. I am a gatherer also, mostly medicinal herbs and plants. I bet the jelly would be wonderful!
Jun 14th, 2012 at 3:52:58 PM PDT by
I have only found one site that lists someone that is presently growing these and he is newly started. From my research I have read about luther burbank who was breeding white blackberrys. I'd say they would be an exotic item if harvested. How many people have had the luxury of even seeing one, much less tasting one. I must confess, I ate a mouthful when we first found them. We collect medicinal herbs also. My hiking partner has a Wild Pantry site and it keeps us pretty busy. Wish you luck on the bidding......
Jun 14th, 2012 at 5:26:30 PM PDT by
Yes, I have read a little about Luther Burbank today. It seems he was able to create a completely white (albino) blackberry called "snowbank" from a wild variety known to grow in New Jersey called "crystal white." Very interesting.
Jun 14th, 2012 at 8:19:40 PM PDT by
Yes, it was exciting finding it. It made all the years of my foraging even more rewarding. I'm surprised to see it survived the times and would be growing wild here in the Appalachians.
Jun 15th, 2012 at 5:07:06 AM PDT by
That is cool. Well i make my own jewlery and I also sale essential oils if you are interested let me
Jun 13th, 2012 at 11:37:23 PM PDT by
Jun 14th, 2012 at 5:20:15 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
F@W very excited it is a little harder growing them from seed but very rewarding I am a collector of unusual plants and this would be a wonderful addition
Jun 14th, 2012 at 11:09:57 PM PDT by
I'm making my 80+ old mother get outside in her wheelchair and plant some. She has the green thumb, very green. I will probebly end up digging up one of the vines this fall, as the place it is located, more than likely, will be taken over by humans soon. I will leave the rest to fend for themselves with hopes the birds will spread the seed. Am going Monday to explore all the patches in that area in hopes of locating more vines. I also want to gather a few more berries. Will be listing them on ebay as I didn't know the response I'd get from Listia, will have to wait and see. The one man I've read about that does have some paid what he said was the highest price ever for a blackberry vine. It takes two years to produce berries. His vines are doing well and should produce next year good Lord willing.
Jun 15th, 2012 at 5:15:35 AM PDT by
from reading the comments in this auction i saw your reference to the Wild Pantry and so I went to their website--very interesting and exciting. I hope to win this auction but will be definately using the Wild Pantry website.

I am watching and fanned you :-)
Jun 15th, 2012 at 11:41:26 AM PDT by
well thankyou kindly....fanning you back.
Jun 15th, 2012 at 7:23:00 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Very cool, never seen this before!

Come promote your seeds on my auctions, I have a few different seeds up at the moment. :)
Jun 15th, 2012 at 7:17:30 PM PDT by
wow, I should have promoted this, I did a short auction cause Im anxious to get back in the woods. Me and a raccoon got into it and Im waiting to see about rabis shots then I'll be gone again, lol. Thanks for the invite, that's really sweet of you.
Jun 16th, 2012 at 11:35:50 AM PDT by
Would love to see through your eyes when traveling, you are living my dream! I am an edible landscaper and only grow heirlooms, and rare seed. I would love a chance at growing this and seeing if it is a variety that could be stable in Texas as we have many varieties here. Lean on credits but I love getting a sprout and growing things others do not think can be done. F&W
Jun 16th, 2012 at 6:58:49 AM PDT by
Our backyards are the National Forests and remote mountain land owned by friends, relatives, neighbors and critters. Refuse to live any other way. Been there, done that, got the tshirt,then settled for what we loved best. Bonnie has been my friend since the early hippy days, over 50 years and still counting.We live to hit the woods and forage.Men, boyfriends, husbands come and gone, we're still a pack..... Happy to say we've never gone hungry. Poor maybe, lol, but not hungry.Today we encountered many deer, several coyotes and a bear, oh , and an abundance of chiggers. Only a few would consider it paradise. Tonites menu is wild boar with a watercress and dandylion salad, wild artichokes plus a few other greens mixed in, corn fritters and blackberry dumplings for desert......mmmmm add some homemade muscadine wine or shine to that..... can't wait to chow down Hiking makes you hungry. I'll worry about the diet tomarrow........I'd rather die happy than hungry.......fanned ya back girlfriend....
Jun 16th, 2012 at 11:16:53 AM PDT by
So sad few people will ever know that true happiness lies in your surroundings, and no tall building with smog will ever give you that kind of love! You live even beyond my dream, I can only hope someday I will find a place such as yours, everywhere I look the droughts are killing the lands. I love Texas but I am sick to death of fighting the heat and drought just to grow a spindly corn stalk! I want bugs and critters and wild edible things!!!!
Jun 16th, 2012 at 12:05:04 PM PDT by
We still have them for now, but who knows what tomarrow will bring with all the climate change and all. I never thought I'd see the day that bottled water would sell. Guess I need to figure a way to can will be next. If it helps at all, it gets hot as heck here too. I just go jump in the creek for a little helps. I'd be living further back in the boonies if it weren't for my health......I used to be a lineman for the phone company in Florida back in the early eighties and all I dreamed of was coming back home to my mountains I loved so, everyone thought I was crazy. I quit a high paying job to come back, worked for minimum wage and struggled. I've never regretted it. Not once.
Jun 16th, 2012 at 4:28:15 PM PDT by
hi hi hi I miss talking to you. so glad you are having a good time OH.......STAY AWAY FROM THE COONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
now about the seeds.wonderful. what does stratified mean? They are like jewels of the woods. I will bid and hopefully win. My hummers are back now too. It will be time for them to mate soon, which is a riot. The girls are in charge of that. The little boys sing and flit and swirl around trying to impress the girls, and they will do it ANYWHERE!!! in the air, in the dirt in the trees.............little tramps. they just make my whole year when they get here. I make homemade nectar too. that stuff at thestore has too much yuk in it. So explain what you can to me about the little beauties, nd I'll do my best!!!! thanx

love michele
Jun 16th, 2012 at 2:00:08 PM PDT by
Lol, I wasn't meaning for you to bid, just wanted to share my find with all my friends it is so rare. Not everyday you see something like this. From what I've read, Luther Burbank came up with this berry in the early nineteen hundreds Because it is so delicate, it will not ship well, thus the market wasn't interested in the time and it was considered a novelty. Very few left and to find one in the wild is amazing. Stratifying is the process of preparing the seed before you plant it. There are several methods but utube has a lot of ideas about it. As I say, Im not a gardener so I am learning, and only because it is such a rare plant. You know, I have NO hummingbirds this year, none of my neighbors either and we usually are loaded. I am soooo upset by it so am happy to hear they are up your way. Feed them well, evidently they are having a rough time of it with the climate change. Count your blessings. Good hearing from you.....
Jun 16th, 2012 at 4:21:02 PM PDT by
Original shake eveyone up on Listia with your mountain adventures! Does sound like a fantastic find.....I have never heard of them.

You should change your occupation to "Foraging Tour Guide"........I would be willing to bet you could get some takers on it. People will pay now to catch huge catfish with their hands.....noodling or something like folks are tired of the city and want a new country adventure......just a thought........good luck with your green thumb.
Jun 16th, 2012 at 9:04:44 PM PDT by
I prefer the four legged tourists, and they dont pay well but the benefits are endless. I'm waiting results from my coon injury, and Marie is having surgery this week so we are both "laid up". Glad it happened together, lol, and I'm sure by next week we will be up and at 'em again. Despite our damage, we are still managing to pilfer a little bit. We are running into a lot of critters out there this year. So many coyotes, unreal, and more bear and bear signs than I've ever encountered before. I've gained ten pounds and I swear it's from the amount of chiggers I've adopted. I forgot my spray last week and am now an official breeding ground for them. Gotta find out what they are good for cause I'm cornering the market on them, lol. Good hearing from you and yeah, maybe fall would be good. We can check out some ginseng maybe. Am busy now with New Jersey tea leafs and blackberries, along with whatever else we encounter, waiting on the Jewel Weed to bloom. Good hearing from you girlfriend. Keep in touch, I'll holler when I'm around.
Jun 17th, 2012 at 4:09:40 AM PDT by

white blackberry, VERY rare is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category