Free: Pagan Wiccan art work, the elements 4pk, 5 by 7 prints - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Pagan Wiccan art work, the elements 4pk, 5 by 7 prints

Pagan Wiccan art work, the elements 4pk, 5 by 7 prints
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The listing, Pagan Wiccan art work, the elements 4pk, 5 by 7 prints has ended.

This action is for a 4 pk, meaning one of each print, 5 by 7 size. Of all of the elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. As with all of my work, these were created and printed, by me personally.

Please pay shipping, via Paypal to

Please note, the Water marking, if any, will NOT be on the final prints
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Jun 24th, 2012 at 10:37:13 PM PDT by

Pagan Wiccan art work, the elements 4pk, 5 by 7 prints is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category