Free: Headbands,Necklaces,Bracelets,Belts Create Your Own Project Accessories! - Girls' Clothing - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Headbands,Necklaces,Bracelets,Belts Create Your Own Project Accessories!

 Headbands,Necklaces,Bracelets,Belts Create Your Own Project Accessories!
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The listing, Headbands,Necklaces,Bracelets,Belts Create Your Own Project Accessories! has ended.

Can You Imagine?
Let's have a Fashion Accessory party with a few of your closest girlfriends.
Lets invite them over to have a slumber party they wont soon forget?,Maybe have a Fashion Show? What a Fabulous idea? A Fashion Show after you all sit around and make your own Fashion Accessories to wear with the Hair and make-Up you all just did on each other. Moms wouldnt you love to give these girls some pointers and tips on how to do their make-up and hair? or do the hair for them in a beauty pageant up-do's to accentuate the new hairbands they just created?
the following items are includes along with the complete instructions on how to do each thing!
2-Reversible Ribbon belts
1-Reversible headband
100- Sparkling Stones
16-Plastic beads
2-Chain-link necklaces
6-Assorted Ribbons-14 inches long
2-Assorted Ribbons-25 inches long
1-Ribbon -36 inches long
1-Ribbon-18 inches long
1-Roll of double stick tape
1-Tube of fabric glue
BOX SAYS AGES 9 TO ADULT-but that would depend really on the child. thank you
Please send verified address within 7 days of auctions end
I ship within 7 days of receiving verified address
I ship free with Delivery Confirmation always
bid with confidence from a Trusted veteran Listian for over 1 Year with no negatives!
Enjoy the auction and if you want to get started on this awesome kit right away remember that I give awesome Bonus gifts along with all Auctions that end with GIN !
Remember if you are wanting to use the GIN to do so before the bid goes above the half way point of the Get It Now amount or it will disappear and it wont be available for anyone to use. Thank you. All watchers,fans and bidders are appreciated. have Fun !!!!
Questions & Comments
Hey if you bring the bid down to like 150 I people would start biding because it is lower and I would start mine low to get more bids.
Jul 7th, 2012 at 5:33:49 AM PDT by
well for starters I am positive I will get plenty of bids because I had another one and secondly Listia used to start the bidding at 200 so no worries. it is worth ecery bit of the starting bid and the GIN. I know for a fact someone will prolly use the GIN.thanks neways you are still more then welcome to bid. I dont low ball people sorry and I expect the same on my auctions .
Jul 7th, 2012 at 6:32:02 AM PDT by
Is this new never opened
Jul 5th, 2012 at 10:45:02 AM PDT by
well yes of course? did you look at the pictures I posted? did you read the description?thank you
Jul 5th, 2012 at 6:53:28 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Jul 4th, 2012 at 5:54:51 AM PDT by
Jul 4th, 2012 at 12:42:53 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I don't know what happened but my whole message didn't come through. Can you please tell me what age is this recommended for? thanks. F
Jul 5th, 2012 at 6:57:26 AM PDT by
thanks for the fan, I just read the box and it says ages 9 to adult. hope this helps ; )
Jul 5th, 2012 at 8:21:32 AM PDT by
Jul 7th, 2012 at 6:32:51 AM PDT by
k ; ) I have been Listing auctions for over a year now hun and think I know how much to ask for starting bids on my auctions. I dont low ball anyone elses auctions as I understand how much things cost. the cash to credit ratio on Listia is like this so you will understand how to figure your bids. for each 1,000 credits you bid on anything is $1.00 so if I am asking 500 credits to start an auction I am asking for 50 cents! so its not way to much I know. go check the rewards store out if you dont believe me, you can buy the gift cards which are like cash all day and they run the 10,000 credits for every 10.00 cash all day long! this is how you figure your credits and some things will go way higher then their actual cash values because people want them more,it is all economics of supply and demand. thank you
Jul 7th, 2012 at 7:14:50 PM PDT by
Fanned you! :)
Jul 11th, 2012 at 3:14:10 AM PDT by
Jul 11th, 2012 at 1:30:26 PM PDT by
very nice auction. i love it. can you tell me how to send my address if i win an action. I'm new on listia. Thanks. Fanned you:)
Jul 11th, 2012 at 12:18:22 PM PDT by
you have to go to your profile setting and save your shipping address, if you go to frequently asked questions they will answer everything you have to ask about Listia,it is always a good thing to check out when your new,plus watch the movie to welcome you here,go from the very beginning that way you will know everything to do. thanks
Jul 11th, 2012 at 1:30:12 PM PDT by
Thank you:)
Jul 11th, 2012 at 8:09:07 PM PDT by
Jul 11th, 2012 at 8:10:28 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Keep up cool auctions like this one girl !! :)

F, W, and B
Jul 12th, 2012 at 12:41:11 AM PDT by
thank you so much, I have allot of other things I am going to be listing this weekend.maybe check them out if you like ; 0
Jul 12th, 2012 at 12:26:01 PM PDT by
Ok. Just FYI, but the credits right now (on sale) are 1,500 credits for $5. That equals out to 300 credits equaling $1. Not 1,000 credits equaling a dollar. If someone was to use the GIN at that conversion rate, they would end up paying about $51.85 for your bead set. Sure they'll get two sets with the GIN, but that's still pricey for something "FREE".

Or they could buy the 16,000 credits and pay $40. That's pretty expensive for a bead set you can buy at Walmart or similar store for $20 (and there you get multiple choices).

Anyway, just wanted to sort it out for you on the true conversions. No one likes to appear ignorant. ;)
Jul 12th, 2012 at 10:19:38 PM PDT by
no hun, you dont go by what Listia sells the credits for lol thats where everybody goes wrong. think of it this way. how much do you pay for a gallon of milk at your local grocery store about 3.60 right? maybe less, ok then if you didnt want to go that far or maybe it was to late and they were closed so you had to go to your local convenience /gas station, how much would you pay for a gallon of milk there? 5.00 and up, because it is fast and easy,thats why they call it a convenience store, you are paying a higher rate for the convenience of getting your item faster and right away rather then have to earn the credits to get them.
Jul 12th, 2012 at 11:11:10 PM PDT by
I hope this clears this up for everyone as most of you are under the impression that what Listia conveniently sells their credits for to you right away(like convenience store) that those are the cash to credit ratios. its not if you want definitive proof do like I said and go to the rewards store,look at the gift cards there and see that a 50.00 gift card goes for 50,000 credits, and so forth, all the way down to a 10.00 gift card going for 10,000 credits, I bought the immersion hand blender for 28.00, it sells for 28.00 in the store so I paid the correct ratio of 1,000 credits per 1.00 I cant explain this any easier for everyone to understand, the higher rates of what you have just said is why most of you that believe the rate of cash to credit ratio goes by what Listia sells the credits for in the convenience fashion is why allot of people arent using the Get It Now options because you are asking way over the actual amounts that you should be asking. Its simple math, and its also true that some times certain items will go for way more then that cash to credit ratio due to economic standards of supply and demand,(the more something is in demand,the higher the price it will be) that does not apply to everything though.also the ignorant comment just makes you look even more ignorant hunny, my GIN's are right on point,if you dont believe me then why not ask another of my co-existers here Mod kevin
Jul 12th, 2012 at 11:11:40 PM PDT by
and if you know how to do your math correctly then if anyone does my Get it nows then they are only really paying, a whole big $15.55 for 2 yes 2 hunny boxes of brand new beading sets including the free shipping which on top of that 15.55 would add up to another 8.00 so if you can really sit here and say I am asking 50 plus dollars for my items then you are sadly mistaken. anyways who in their right minds buys credits? those are only meant to be used in an emergency situation only, Listia does not want you to buy your credits thats why they have them so highly priced,READ THEIR BLOGS AND THE FAQ IT SAYS IT RIGHT THERE! they charge ridiculous prices for people who are too lazy to actually do the work and earn their credits or for people who may need a fast 100 or 200 to get an auction they want.(I just cannot stand people who tell others that they sound ignorant when in all truths when something is written in black and white and they dont get it they are the true ignoramasses.DO SOME SIMPLE MATH,AND DONT Argue with a veteran Listia member who has done this for over a year every single day non stop and has read from front to back the rules,regulations,FAQ,blogs, and yes I even asked the question of the cash to credit ratio!!! dont you think Listia would know what their own c2c ratio is? you really think they are trying to sell 50.00 gift cards for 200.00? lol now thats just to darn funny.....
Jul 12th, 2012 at 11:18:42 PM PDT by
I apologize for allowing others to come onto my auction and say just stupid things! if anyone really believes Listia would rather sell the credits and go against what they created this site for(to earn your way to the top and make friends along the way) then you really need to go and read up on the FAQ also like I explained this I have asked the question and gotten the answer, its a simple mathmatical equation that by visiting the rewards store is easy to see bam right off the bat what the conversion rate for cash to credits is, they are not going to charge you 250.00 for a 50.00 gift cards when you have earned your credits,the buying of credits is the stupidest thing anyone can do,its listed right there in black and white,they are not meant to be your only source of credits,they are there for emergency uses,as they want you to list your items,watch the videos,take the surveys etc... geez I had to block that girl because I cant take the chances of having someone like that win an auction and then she would be the kind to whine if I happened to use a recycled box to save on money and save the environment!!!
Jul 12th, 2012 at 11:27:31 PM PDT by

Headbands,Necklaces,Bracelets,Belts Create Your Own Project Accessories! is in the Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Girls' Clothing category