**NOTE** the luxodon war Hammer pictured from miirodin was considered Uncommon , but in 9TH and 10TH edition they revised it to Rare, I go with the Updated version and call it Rare.. Thanks for the Heads up~!
Hey! I see what you are saying about the Loxodon Warhammer but unfortunately I have to disagree. Don't get me wrong I love your auction(s). But you can't go and say a card is Rare when that version of the card isn't. Most people know that the rarity of a card indicates the likehood of that single card being in a booster and how many was printed of that card. Just cause Loxodon Warhammer became such a popular card that WOTC decided to reprint it with a higher Rarity, doesn't change the rarity of the Fifth Dawn version of Loxodon Warhammer. As WOTC hasn't corrected the rarity of Loxodon Warhammer on gatherer, like they say did with Teleport and several other Uncommon cards from small sets. Sorry if anything I said has offended, but I have played this game for a number of years and I am very passionate about it. And I am especially passionate about providing the correct information to new players. When basing a rarity you have to base of the card it self within the set of which it was released.
Usually when you have a First edition , and the they reprint it- the Value goes down- Not up . In the case of the WarHammer they increased in value to Rare. But if semantics aside and the Winner wants Gold symbol Warhammer's I will ship the one 9th edition and send another when I get one.
Meant to say Miroddin not Fifth Dawn(late for me). Look at it this way if they print a book where you have a first second maybe so on. Then they print a collectors edition it still doesn't change the rarity/printing of the previous editions. :D Still a great auction tho
I get ya, when I made the auction I had 2 Hammer's from 9th edition , I Posted the wrong picture and put Miirodin up, and forgot to change it.. So it should read 7 Rare artifacts & 1 Uncommon Like I said if the it makes a difference to the winner I will send 1 Rare and 1 uncommon - and when available I will send another Rare Warhammer.
the cards do the same thing. i want cards for the abilities it has. i can beat a deck of all rares with a deck of all commons. I still like my original Akroma's Memorial even though in M13 they change it to mythic rare. i like the new artwork on the M13 Door to Nothingness but i still love my old one.