Free: Wiccan Handfasting Ritual instructions - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Wiccan Handfasting Ritual instructions

Wiccan Handfasting Ritual instructions
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The listing, Wiccan Handfasting Ritual instructions has ended.

I will email instructions to the winner.

Handfasting is the Wiccan equivalent of marriage, with two differences. In most Wiccan traditions, same-sex couples may be spiritually handfasted (although not legally recognized yet). Also, by tradition, handfasting may be either for a year and a day, or for life. The couple who chooses they year and a day may at the end of that time choose to make a commitment for life or go their separate ways. (Although if they were handfasted in a legally binding ceremony, they will need a legal divorce). Wiccan priest/esses may officiate over a legal ceremony just as well as the clergy of other faiths. Be sure to check with officials in your area for the requirements of your area.
Questions & Comments
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what is shipping going to be?
Jul 17th, 2012 at 7:24:29 PM PDT by
The instructions will be emailed, not physically mailed (I'm not wasting paper by printing out my rituals, I'm a pagan that embraces technology =^.^=)
Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:24:12 AM PDT by
The instructions will be emailed, not physically mailed (I'm not wasting paper by printing out my rituals, I'm a pagan that embraces technology =^.^=)
Jul 18th, 2012 at 10:23:54 AM PDT by

Wiccan Handfasting Ritual instructions is in the Other Stuff | Other category