Free: how to make a vintage picture - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: how to make a vintage picture

how to make a vintage picture
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The listing, how to make a vintage picture has ended.

ok so before i start i have know that OHMARVELOUS has won this and has stolen it from me and has been posting it as her own auction and it hurts that al my work i do to give you guys this has been stolen without asking and use to gain cedits. i give you guys visuals but now i may not i may just tell you how to do it on listia instead of email this is a very creative way to decorate a room. with these vintage syled pictures. they are very easy to make and i will tell you how. the photos are some exaples of what you can create thier the ones ive created in the past. winner need to provide an email so i can send them the instructions. thank you.
Questions & Comments
I'm sorry that they did that! You must post seller's rights in the listing description. Otherwise a buyer can do what they wish. Something like this would suffice:

You may use these instructions for personal use only. Distribution is strictly prohibited. (c) 2012 (add name here)

If someone distributes or sells something of your own creation after posting this notice, you'll then have legal recourse. They are of course free to sell or distribute the actual items made from the instructions.
Jul 25th, 2012 at 11:41:37 PM PDT by

how to make a vintage picture is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category