Free: CODE from TwiX for MARS summer movie cash Instant Win Game - Rewards Points - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: CODE from TwiX for MARS summer movie cash Instant Win Game

CODE from TwiX for MARS summer movie cash Instant Win Game
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The listing, CODE from TwiX for MARS summer movie cash Instant Win Game has ended.

Up for your consideration is ONE UNused CODE from the TwiX I just snarfed down!

The winner of this auction can enter their official game code at
for their CHANCE to win movie tickets for a year OR other great prizes.

I'm not sure what the odds of winning might be; but If it turns out to be a winner... I'd be happy to mail you the actual wrapper upon request.

Wrapper says the code & game expire on 9/28/12

I try to be online upon the end of auction so that my winner can get their code ASAP; but if for some reason I'm unavailable... you'll get your code within 24 hours at the latest.

Occasionally, I may make a typo
OR the winner might copy & paste their code incorrectly (missing a digit or adding a space).
As such, I encourage winners to contact me (PRIOR to leaving feedback) if they have an issue with any codes;
as I make the utmost effort to satisfy all my winners & keep things fun!
Please review my feedback.

* * * * * * * Any ?s or concerns, please contact me BEFORE bidding * * * * * *
and DO NOT BID if you have a history of claiming codes don't work for you.

Also, due to a lack of feedback reciprocation... I do not provide feedback UNTIL
the winner has verified their code, confirmed they "Got It" & provided +feedback.

It's hot in AZ so I need all the fans I can get ;o) and I fan everyone who fans me!
Questions & Comments
I'm online so you'll get your code ASAP :oD
Jul 30th, 2012 at 10:45:31 AM PDT by
And be sure to check out my other auction; ending just hours after this one!
Jul 30th, 2012 at 10:46:58 AM PDT by

CODE from TwiX for MARS summer movie cash Instant Win Game is in the Other Stuff | Rewards Points category