To find out shipping cost you have to go to the posy office & have the item * weighed. so, in most cases if someone. gives you their zip code..they want you to find out & it's. extra work for you. they can call the the usps / mail / postal service just as easiely as you can jusy give them * your zip code. pants that are not heavy like a pair of jean's. would be cost about $3.- $5 to mail. you can change the shipping on the same page you made this listing on . either put a fair specific. amount or * go to post office & try to take everything. you have listed o & will.list soon & have each one weighed. it is. free.!!!! you ae allowto charge someexra for your shipping suplies such as tape, envelipes, boxes, bubble wrap or any thing you. have to pay for to mail an item. *** the * post office has so...many bxes & envelopes in many sizes ..for. free too! they have boxes called " flat rate ", the box will.cost the same to mail if yu were to put a feather init or something heavy. the post office already has puta price on these. " flat. rate " boxes & enveloes. such as asmall box is $3.0 & a dvd can fit in it. they have a $5. medium. box which canhold small stuff clothes. you could eaiely fit a to & pair of ants into it. adk te pos office for the " free" stuff. take as much as yo need. they are free. afterall. ****unless you can realy " afford " free shipping, do not offer it, a it can ge quite expensive. things like an inexpensive. pair of earrngs can be mailed for only 1 stamp. if you need hep or have any questions. feel free to contact me, y name is. chris. @ bless you hon.! good luxk & high bids on a of your auctions.! have fun, too!