Free: beads&charms for "pandora"bracelet - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: beads&charms for "pandora"bracelet

beads&charms for "pandora"bracelet
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The listing, beads&charms for "pandora"bracelet has ended.

3-silver &turquoise barrel beads
3-silver topped dropped charm fits all bracelets
3-cloisonebeads1-dk. Blue dkpinkswirl1-green pink flower 1plainblue
3red1- cloisondkblue circles1-r ed1- reddiamond cut
3-green1- plain1-greenw/pink flowers1-barrelbead with
Rhinstones on the ends
Every 500credits can pick three have fun they make a pretty
Bracelett,i have my own idont ship out of usa please!!!!
Questions & Comments
Gorgeous beads! I would be surprised if you didn't get at least a bid of 500\3 beads, especially if they are genuine. However listia states that you must send item no matter how many or few credits were bid. For example I had to send a ring for 2000 when it should have gone up to at least 8000. If you weren't planning on sending anything for less than 500, you should have started the bid at 500. Its kinda unfair from a buyers viewpoint.
Aug 2nd, 2012 at 9:07:58 AM PDT by
Thanks for letting me know its my first auction:-)
Aug 2nd, 2012 at 12:31:56 PM PDT by
.925 cores?
Aug 3rd, 2012 at 8:03:37 PM PDT by
Yes they are. 925 cores.thanks for asking.
Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:59:25 PM PDT by
Lovely! Fanned and bidding.
Aug 4th, 2012 at 3:10:35 PM PDT by
Thank you fan you back happy bidding dont forget to hit those 500 marks for the extra
Surprise with your choice of three beads:-):-):-):-):-)
Aug 4th, 2012 at 9:59:18 PM PDT by
Welcome to listia!! Nice auction! Fan & watching!
Aug 5th, 2012 at 12:16:50 AM PDT by
thank you check out my other auction,they re are addicting there will
be more when i have a litle more time! fan you back!!:-):-):-)
Aug 5th, 2012 at 5:27:30 AM PDT by
Remember every 500 credits gets to pick the three they want!
If i dont get 500 for three i will relist and forfit the credits bid,
Thank you for bidding, have fun:-):-):-):-)
Jul 31st, 2012 at 7:44:22 PM PDT by
Default avatar m
So your not shipping any if someone wins and it doesnt get to 500?
Aug 1st, 2012 at 5:12:58 AM PDT by
Its my first auction, there is a bid already so i cant change what i wrote.If i relist i will group them all togeter for one price. Sorry for any misunderstanding,i would like to run the auction out and hopefuly get more than 1credit,so we will see.
Aug 1st, 2012 at 7:36:19 AM PDT by
Thanks stephanie,the first person to hit 500 will also receive a surprise gift thown in the pkg. So happy bidding:-):-):-):-)
Aug 2nd, 2012 at 5:18:38 AM PDT by
Thanks stephanie i like the blue ones also,the first perso to reach 500/i decided i will throw in a surprise. I may even let you choose....... So happpy bidding have fun. Im sure you will love the added surprise. I will do that for every 500credit chooser i will add a very lovely surprise,if you prefer i will let you choose:-):-):-):-):-):-)good luck!,,,
Aug 2nd, 2012 at 7:04:25 AM PDT by
Keep bidding the next 500 credits picks three of there choice and then dont forget im throwing in a surprise of your choosing!!!!!!!! so keep bidding and have fun:-):-):-):-):-)
Aug 3rd, 2012 at 6:56:53 PM PDT by
Yes they are. 925 cores- they fit beautifully on the bracelet,oh by the way the 3 red
Beads are gone but i still have 3-silver barrel beads with a "sign"written on each one different i think they are capricorn picture signs,i will try and take a picture sat. Tosee if it shows up. Happy bidding:-):-):-):-)
Aug 3rd, 2012 at 9:33:14 PM PDT by
thanks for hitting the second 500/pick three ill add a surprise,the 3red ones are gone
But i still have 3silver barrel beads w/?capricorn inscriptions on each one different happy bidding:-):-):-):-)
Aug 4th, 2012 at 4:51:29 PM PDT by
So what you have listed here is not what we will be getting? I only bid for the drop charm red ones. If that isn't part of your auction, then I don't want it and will dispute it.
Aug 6th, 2012 at 9:12:15 AM PDT by
i sent out e lengthy personal e mail to you earlier,you just tell
me what you want or what i wrote was ok?
Aug 6th, 2012 at 10:10:44 AM PDT by
All is well. I'll respond to your e-mail and thank you for answering so fast.
Aug 6th, 2012 at 11:08:44 AM PDT by
Thank you i will try as soon as possible.
Aug 6th, 2012 at 12:40:12 PM PDT by
Thank you for all the comments and well wishes on my first auction i really apprciate
It happy bidding, fanning yoou all back.
Aug 6th, 2012 at 2:12:59 PM PDT by
not really understanding what you really get in this auction
Aug 7th, 2012 at 3:41:35 PM PDT by

beads&charms for "pandora"bracelet is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category