Free: Deck of Bicycle playing cards**** - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Deck of Bicycle playing cards****

Deck of Bicycle playing cards****
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The listing, Deck of Bicycle playing cards**** has ended.

OK so the reason I starred this is because these are pretty cool, special cards. I used to work on the set of Monk. I was basically the errand person, got coffee and donuts etc. for crew. Tony Shaloub used to love to play cards between takes and these are one of many packs of cards he used! Can I prove this, no. But I am honest and have never steered customers wrong. I pride myself on that. You can take my word that this deck was indeed used by Mr. Shaloub to play with cast/crew. One producer even put his ( Shaloubs) initials on it so noone else would use them. Dude must have used hundreds of decks in my short time there. This is one, and it is free to US Listian.
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
and not sure why but the Jokers are missing. Its a full 52 card set but no Jokers. Not sure if that was an inside joke ( no pun intended ) or what.
Feb 16th, 2020 at 3:18:04 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
So already had a private message asking if this is for real. Yes it is. Again I can not physically prove that a famous person owned these cards. If you want them, bid because you want a deck of cards not because it may or may not be a famous persons cards. Fair enough? Good luck to all ( and yes it is real!)
Feb 17th, 2020 at 3:08:58 PM PST by

Deck of Bicycle playing cards**** is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category