The listing, Wwii fly seek destroy signed by gen. O.P Weyland and Harry G. French has ended.
"Fly, Seek, Destroy: The Story of the XIX TAC" is a small booklet covering the history of the XIX Tactical Air Command. This booklet is one of the series of G.I. Stories published by the Stars & Stripes in Paris in 1944-1945.
This one is signed by O.P WEYLAND AND HARRY G. FRENCH
The booklet is in good condition for its age.I have had it looked at so I do know about what it is worth and they are hard to find.
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations, to be issued by the Stars and Stripes, a publication of the Information and Education Division, Special and Information Services, ETOUSA... Major General O.P. Weyland, commanding the XIX Tactical Air Command lent his cooperation to the preparation of the pamphlet, and basic material was supplied to the editors by his staff.
his is a story about the officers and enlisted men who have made our tactical air command one of the most powerful weapons in the Battle for Germany. Without their hard work, courage, loyalty and self-sacrifice, joint air-ground operations could not have achieved their present high degree of effectiveness.
The record of the XIX Tactical Air Command represents one of the greatest chapters in the History of Air Power and I am proud of and grateful to every individual in my command who helped this story come true.
O.P. Weyland
Major General, Commanding