In order to have better results with your auction, please add more details regarding your item. Specific details (such as size, condition, etc) will go a long way in instilling confidence in potential bidders. Also, Listia strongly recommends that you also include pictures of the actual item that is being auctioned. This will also reduce the number of questions that your bidders will have to ask.
Thanks for your cooperation and good luck with your auction! - The Listia Moderation Team
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:24:54 PM PDT by
Hopefully, by chance this is one that was about a foot + tall and might you have gotten it from LTD, because if so, it is adorable. Please let me know on messaging, because I don't always get to see these responses.Thanks!
Uh oh, I see that you created the listing and haven't been on since that is why these questions have gone unanswered. Hope you haven't forgotten about the auction altogether.