The listing, davidson math cd pc game, make learning math fun for your kid has ended.
i used this a few times. trying to work on my math more. but its kind young for my likes
so i didn't stick with it. as far as i know it still works fine. but ive not used it
in a few yrs. it is a bit scracthed on the cd. but worked fine on my older systems
even. but if you get it and it wont work. send it back and i'll refund your credits.
but i keep the shipping and you pay to send it back to me. coz if its good enough to
keep then i keep your credits.
it has its book inside. its called math blaster. ages 6-9. can go up from pre K to
high school. has pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, reading, writing. tho i think that is
the packs you can add to this. on this disc it says, addtion, subtraction,
multi[lication, division, fractions, decimals, percents, estimation, number
patterns, prob sloving.