The listing, Gorgeous Double White Hollyhock Seeds, 10 Seeds/Possible 20 Seeds*Up to 8' Tall has ended.
Wow, these are beautiful and proud spikes of big White delicate flowers! I have been calling them "Double", but they are full like Roses (but they do not have petals). Even the leaves are pretty, and edible!
Height: from 4' to 8' tall
They start blooming at the bottom of the tall spike in the spring and continue to open into summer.
Plant now or in the fall, cover with leaves, straw, or mulch in cold areas.
It helps to plant them by the house, garage, fence, or retaining wall. It holds them up when there are high winds.
Ours have stopped blooming (August), but new plants are coming up from the same plants. Cool!
Great cut flowers, floating in a pretty bowl or wine glass!
Decorate Chocolate cakes or cupcakes with them. They are edible. We never use chemicals in our gardens.
Seed collecting: The seed pods look like little drawstring purses. Leave them on the stalk until they are tan/brown, dry, and crispy. Then collect them and save to trade or share with your friends and envious neighbors.
The lucky winner will receive 10 White Double Hollyhock seeds.
If this auction goes over 400 credits, I will add 10 more seeds. 20 seeds total.
To learm more about growing Hollyhocks:
I also have Pink Hollyhock seeds and Wine Hollyhock seeds listed. Plus an auction to Make Your Own Seed Packets to store or share your seeds. Check out all of my auctions!
Happy gardening!