last minute adjustment, lets make this tiered shall we.....
get it 100, i will go free shipping, get it to 250 and i will double it making it 8 cards with free shipping...... get it to 500 and i make it free shipping, doubled the cards and 15 free random artifact cards get it to 1500 credits and i send the winner the 8 Hideous End cards, 20 Artifact cards, 20 other random cards with choice of color and 1 leveler card for every 500 credits after that i will include another 15 random cards
ok, this was meant for a different auction last night, but it was here first, so i will give the winner the option of this tier or the other tier mentioned at 10:24 this morning
This item is now eligible for free shipping. As a bonus, get this over 350 credits and I will double the amount of cards. You will get 8 Hideous End. Go over 500 and I will also throw in 4 Disfigure cards