Mocha..... You are one of the Sweetest people ever in Listia and I'm so glad you found my Best Friend Jojo's auction cuz she is ALWAYS there for me and for anyone else who needs help or bids and I LOVE to see people appreciate her. Thanks and I may have to outbid you lol My daughter is Listia's Nail Polish Queen And she is probably Watching. Lol
Good morning to you my sweet Bestee I hope you feel WAY BETTER And I think you read my email from yesterday . Love to see people bidding on your Awesome auctions. I'll email again and hope you do too cuz I LOVE those long ones. Lol. BID PEOPLE LOL.
Hello my twin Fav's. Lol. I'm not trying to outbid you my Sweet Mims, but we have to get those credits UP. For our Jojo. I love when I can talk to both of you at the same time. <3
Ugh My sweet Bestee. You do not deserve those and I wish they would go away faster for you . I am AGAIN not getting emails sent through Listia and i I keep complaining then they fix it for a week and it happens again. So hopefully you will send me my email through my fec email address. BIRTHDAY COMING SOON and package has a few more goodies. Hope you enjoy it all. LOVE U BESTEE JJ
JoJo , Where is Our Sweet Mims?? I may have to text her cuz you know how she LOVES Perfume. Hope she is ok. Probably just out of town . TTYL. BESTEE GREAT AUCTION. BY THE WAY LOL
Got your email yesterday My Bestee and Grateful , Grateful Grateful. LOVE U and I will send u an Email today cuz things are getting back to normal here now :) <3
I'm so so Happy that this hurricane didn't hit you hard! Bestee i been watching the weather ch. a lot just to make sure... Love you & sent u the tracking # =))
Everything is NEW - You can't put Used makeup on listia it's against the rules... The nail polosh comes in a box of 4 & i took them out so i could take the pic's, Winner will get em in the box they came in...
BID BID BID. LOL. THIS is one of the most honest Listians you will ever come across. What you see is exactly what you will get and ALWAYS in perfect condition. !! !!!!!!!
Morning FF my Bestee - Still not feeling good :( but i hope today will be better than yesterday... I'll email u in a bit so when u wake up you'll have it... Love ya!!