I do not know. I bought it an estate sale because my husband really liked it. I like it because of the tag on the bottom which you do not often find. makes me think it is English but do not know. it is in good shape. no room for it in my house. I collect too many things
I love this. I have real bunnies run through my home, my pets. This one reminds ne of my Foosoo, I lost on June 1st, 2012. She was a curious girl. Loved Christmas and the tree and packages!
aww sorry to hear that, it is hard facing losing a pet. We lost our cat a little over 2 1/2 yrs ago, she made it through living in 3 states and lived to 19 yrs and 6 months. We also lost our old dogs to 1 lab 4 yrs ago 12yrs old (she got sick sudden) 1 lab about a year ago 17 yrs old and just a few month ago our little Gibby our papillion he made it to 17 yrs old to. So I still have my parrot though lol she will out live us all I'm sure she's only 22yrs old. We've had all sorts of animals over the years bunnies to but those were my originals i guess :) we have two younger cats now, one is 8 yrs old and the other 5yrs (that one my daughter brought with her when she moved home) It's weird not having a dog I gotta say. I'm use to the morning routine of letting out the dogs first. : /