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This lot contains 1 beautiful necklace set and one alfani unique bracelet - and one free gift (3 pairs of earrings). the alfani bracelet alone is 24.99.
Questions & Comments
not trying to be negative, but you would get a lot of bids if you did free shipping. :)
I know sweetie, and if I could afford to I would, but I will be listing hundreds of items, I buy jewlery in bulk. But they are fantastic deals even with shipping. Steals actually. I am new to this site and I was just trying it out. And thank you for the advice I appreciate it. Have a great day.
Why so much for shipping? According to Listia rules you cannot make money on shipping, you might want to list the shipping as exact cost of shipping so you do not get flagged or removed by Listia...just saying and trying to help you out if you are new. Fanned and watching. Beautiful item.
Why thank you and I am selling 100- 130$ dollar lots of jewelry on here, I don't think asking 11-15$ for shipping is to much, I am just trying to give people a great deal, on items they could not other wise get for such a low price. Some of the necklaces alone are Hera and Anthropology which run 40-120$ And pretty much liquidating the items I have that have not sold yet to bring in more inventory. But thank you for the tip, I guess I will just stop selling on here then. I appreciate the advice.
I totally understand hon...I have some really expensivethings I want to list as well but I am going to wait until I can put my starting bids higher. I have been told by almost everyone that if I do free shipping with a higher bid people will bid alot higher...maybe go check some auctions that are similar to yours and see what they are starting their bids at. I took a serious loss on my first auction because I did not know I could not start the bid higher so I had to start it at only 100credits so I'm going to wait for my seller wings badge so I can start the really great stuff I have that is worth like $200.00 - $300.00 for genuine mystic topaz gemstones the size of a quarter until the bid can start higher. I really want to help you please don't take my info wrong. Hugs, Melissa
I did not know we could start the bids higher if we earned a badge? How do I earn this badge? And thank you for the tips and advice, I love jewelry so I look forward to seeing your cool stones. I buy most of mine in bulk pallet lots either from macys or liquidations sites. Its amazing the deals you can get buying liquidation. I was just trying out this site, but have been hammered believe me ohhh about 100 times from other people.
My line of thought was if I start my bids out at nothing (1) I could go up a little on my shipping and atleast break even on the cost of my items if no one bids. I have a web site, and sell on ebay and yard sellr, and do fine. I just hate the fees they charge my buyers. Thus I thought this would be a great site and keep the costs down for the buyers. Smiling at ya, thanks for the tips and Ill try to behave myself. I think Ill stop listing and just check it out for a while.