Free: leather BRAIDED bracelet - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: leather BRAIDED bracelet

leather BRAIDED bracelet
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The listing, leather BRAIDED bracelet has ended.

This is all the rage people of all ages love them. Its a leather braided bracelet and it does fit most euro beads, it is 8 in. long with adjustable chain that goes to 10 in. long I have 1 of each color and I wear them together or 1 at a time (AND IM NO SPRING CHICKEN LOL) colors are green ,red, yellow,brown, dark blue, light pink, lite blue,purple and orange WINNER PICKS COLOR AND AS ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING LISTIA VERIFIED ADDRESS ONLY THANK YOU (this is for 1 bracelet) winner chooses color (USE GIN AND GET 5)
Questions & Comments
Get 5? All different colors?
Aug 24th, 2012 at 9:36:27 PM PDT by

leather BRAIDED bracelet is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category