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Aug 28th, 2012 at 10:45:20 PM PDT by
Interested... Please post a picture of the phone with your username + the date on a piece of paper ...
Can you take a picture of the back? Want to see if it has an ethernet port or is wi-fi only
Roku Is awesome, Its my main form of TV. Skip the facebook app for Roku tho. it lags the system and its photo only. F@W, couldnt hurt to have a extra unit
Lol... at least ur honest. And your not a new user posting iphones4 s or stupid expensive electronics for millions of credits. And u reply to people so what the heck! Im bidding. Im getting ride of my ps3 and need something to get his netflix cartoons!
I have this on booth my tvs they are great !!! All kinds of movies for free and tv shows the old ones!! I want to find the game remote will soon so I can play the games!!