Free: 2 hr genealogy research - $45 value - Gift Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2 hr genealogy research - $45 value

2 hr genealogy research -  $45 value
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The listing, 2 hr genealogy research - $45 value has ended.

First I want to say this is not a servirce but an actually item a booklet of documents and information on your family members.I have been a genealogist for ten years so I thought it would be a good idea to pass it on. I have a website you can check out to see that I am for real .Please don't flag this its a real product.
I will research two generations of you family tree for you.That means I will research their lives and provide to you copies of census records,marriage/divorce records, immigration records,and death records for you to keep. I will mail these to you for free!!!
Everyone has loved these auctions.Thanks to all the great Listia members I have worked with!!
Questions & Comments
i thing pooch could have at least canceled the ones without bids, that was kind of rude. anyhow, can you offer items with criminal records/police record/background checks?
Jul 13th, 2010 at 10:54:50 PM PDT by
It kinda depends on what you mean that you want. If it is someone's criminal/police record/backgroundcheck I can not do those because I usually work with dead people and I would suggest buying it through one of the many wesites that do that. But for example i was able to get my GGGrandfathers Felony record. He lived from 1888- 1966. Basicly if the records you wish are oleder than yes I can.
Jul 14th, 2010 at 7:33:28 AM PDT by
This a nice listings and Listia should follow their rules. Members can''t change or stop an auction once a bid shows. Criminal & many public records on shown on some websites even the .org, .gov which should not be allowed.It depends on the users knowledge of pulling data up on the net. I love this auction and hope it stays.
Jul 16th, 2010 at 11:18:16 AM PDT by
Thank you and keep trying because I will keep listing them.
Jul 16th, 2010 at 1:42:59 PM PDT by

2 hr genealogy research - $45 value is in the Other Stuff | Gift Cards category