Free: 1" squares Pink & Gothic Girly Skulls (E-MAILED) - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1" squares Pink & Gothic Girly Skulls (E-MAILED)

1" squares Pink & Gothic Girly Skulls (E-MAILED)
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This Stuff is Free Too:

The listing, 1" squares Pink & Gothic Girly Skulls (E-MAILED) has ended.

This is one 4x6 digital file of 1 inch sqaures for jewelry or scrapbooking.

You will get the digital images in a file emailed to you.THIS IS NOT PRE-CUTS. There will be no watermark when sent.

These are for FINISHED products only. NOT resale. This sheet may be reprinted as many times as you would like,for any and all crafting needs, even items that you make for sale. However, you are not allowed to distribute, share,reproduce, or resell this collage sheet in part or whole,under any circumstances.

Please allow 24-48hrs for me to send the sheet once I receive your email address. Please send me your email address once you win!

Please ask if you have any questions!
Thanks for looking!
Happy Bidding!!
Questions & Comments

1" squares Pink & Gothic Girly Skulls (E-MAILED) is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category