The listing, Flower And Vegetable Seeds **Tiered Auction**Winner's Choice** has ended.
I have a TON of seed packets. Both vegetables and flowers. Listed are the names of everything I have and the quantity.
The auction is starting with 5 PACKETS, WINNER'S CHOICE! At 500 points, I start adding another packet per 150 points. At 2500 points, I will do FREE SHIPPING. Until then, winner MUST pay shipping.
Ageratum Blue Mink - 7
Bachelor Button Cyanus Double Mixed Colors - 1
Bachelor Button Blue Boy - 1
Columbine McKana's Giant Mixed Colors - 1
Flower Garden Seed Mi9xture - 2
Forget-me-not Annual Firmament - 8
Helichrysum Tall Double Mixed Colors - 1
Marigold Petite Yellow - 5
Marigold French Dwarf Double Mix - 8
Marigold Petite Orange - 10
Marigold Crackerjack Mixed Colors - 7
Marigold Lemondrop - 2
Morning Glory Choice Mixed Colors - 3
Morning Glory Clarke's Heavenly Blue - 13
Morning Glory Crimson Rambler - 6
Old Fashioned Garden Mixture - 1
Snapdragon Tall Deluxe Mixed Colors - 2
Sunflower Evening Sun - 4
Sunflower Mammoth Russian - 1
Sweet William Tall Double Mixed Colors - 10
Zinnia Cactus Mixed Colors - 1
Basil Genovese - 3
Bean Greencrop - 10
Bean Bush Blue Lake 274 - 10
Bean Harvester - 5
Broccoli Calabrese - 1
Cantaloupe Hale's Best - 1
Carrot Scarlet Mantes - 1
Carrot Danvers Half Long - 3
Garden Bean Contender - 1
Garden Bean Cherokee Wax - 1
Garden Bean Kentucky Wonder (pole type) - 1
Kohlrabi Early White Vienna - 1
Lettuce Black Seeded Simpson - 7
Lettuce Grand Rapids (leaf) - 1
Parsley Plain Italian - 1
Pepper California Wonder - 6
Pepper Jalapeno - 5
Pepper Serrano Chili - 3
Pepper Hungarian Yellow Wax - 1
Radish Gourmet Blend - 10
Radish Early Scarlet Globe - 8
Radish Sparkler White Tip - 2
Spinach Mustard Tendergreen - 1
Sweet Corn Early Golden Bantam - 2
Turnip Purple Tops White Globe - 6
Watermelon Crimson Sweet - 5