There are a number of plants that are great without direct sun. I've had good results with many varieties of Begonia. They get lovely blooms in the fall. Most Porthos ivy do really well with only minimal light. If you're wanting succulents, Hoya's. They have brilliant blooms throughout the late spring and summer. Jade usually does okay in low-ish light Remember this is very early spring. The earth changes it's tilt until June when it will return to it's current position. So don't give up on your window yet! Thanks for the questions. I appreciate you.
are you going to list any of the above mentioned plants? I have a long tube light I turn on for time being. I have 1 african violet that does well and proprogated some leaves from it. My cactus not so well, but have a christmas cactus making roots in water. Think I might have thought up me a couple listings talking this over with you.
Hey. I have a beautiful variegated Porthos. It's about 8" and fully rooted. I also have a variegated Airplane Plant with healthy starter roots. Check out Google images for Indian Rope Hoya, a succulent vine that does not require direct sun. It one of grooviest and a favorite of mine. I have one 7" cutting. Check them all out and if you like any I will hook you up with a GIN.