Free: The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees- Big League- A Dover Reprint - Sports Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees- Big League- A Dover Reprint

The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees- Big League- A Dover Reprint
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The listing, The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees- Big League- A Dover Reprint has ended.

The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees. One of the biggest siege guns of the New York Yankees. He was twice voted Most Valuable Player in American League.

What a hitter!!! Last year he swatted .349 in 155 games and smacked out 34 home runs. He was born in New York City in 1903. He was a left-hander. He was six feet tall, one inch and weighed 200 lbs. The yearly date on this card is 1933.

This would really be something to add to your collection. Not too many people have cards like this. Bid on this one, if interested......... Blessings.............

Questions & Comments
what is the manufacture of this card, what is the card number, and year?
Sep 7th, 2012 at 10:57:16 PM PDT by
Hi auctiontech, Thanks for writing. I think I put in the title that this card is a Big League Chewing Gum card. The card number is #92 and I also put in the description that the yearly date on the card is 1933. That's the only date I see on the card. Thanks for bidding on my auction. I hope you get it. I have others listed on Listis, as well. Lookout for them, too. You may be interested in some of them. They are mostly baseball but I will be posting some football later on, too. Bid on them if you're interested...............Blessings...................

Sep 8th, 2012 at 10:11:32 PM PDT by

The One and Only, Lou Gehrig- New York Yankees- Big League- A Dover Reprint is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Sports Trading Cards category