Dear Robin, From now on check E-bay for your Chanel #5. you can get some really good deals on Ebay for Cheal #5 and others of the Chanel family. But always look for the ones that offer free shipping. Make sure that they offer free shipping because those are usually the best deals. Sincerely, Anne
Thanks! My sister is actually the one who provides me with Chanel. I have a new parfum case that I have only used a few times - do you know the one I mean? The big black and gold but flat holder for the parfum. I did get some from ebay but it was old...I'm old too and lately anything but the parfum smells like Avon. (no offense to Avon users...) My sister calls it my signature fragrance. I have worn Chanel #5 since I was 16...and you can bet that is a long time
My Mom wore Chanel #5 for over 70 yrs and when we came back from Europe she brought back 4 cases of Chanel #5 that she bought in Paris. It was the only Parfum she would wear. I've started wearing it since she passed away last year but I also wear Este Lauder's parfums. I found alot of new Chanel #5 on Ebay that was still in the sealed boxes so keep searching on Ebay because I just bought 4 bottles and this one came as a extra from one of the sellers. Just make sure that the ones you bid on have the Free Shipping on them and look under Health and Beauty. Then do a search on the whole site and you will not believe how many bottles and other Chanel #5 products will pop up. Bath Powder, make-up, moistizer, etc. It was kind of amazing. I know that I will never purchase my parfum from a department store again when I can get it so in-expensivily on Ebay. Este Lauder is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. But the way my Mom was just under 85 when she passed. Well happy bidding and I hope you win but there is 8 people watching that bottle so keep a eye on it. Good Luck. Sincerely, Anne