Free: 25+ Mint Seed, (Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata) Many Uses - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 25+ Mint Seed, (Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata) Many Uses

25+ Mint Seed, (Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata) Many Uses
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The listing, 25+ Mint Seed, (Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata) Many Uses has ended.

Wonderful, aromatic Perennial herb, spreads quickly, mint has small violet or purple-white flowers that bloom all thru it's growing period.
Mint has sedative, disinfectant & cicatrizing properties. It can be used in gastro-intestinal disorders; it aids the liver & calms indigestion. It contains menthol, menthone, menthofuran, a-pinene, limonene, cardinene, acetic aldehide, isovaleriana, vitamin C & antibiotic substances. It's recommended in cases of asthma, bronchitis & flu because of its antispasmodic & sedative properties. Sinusitis can be treated w/ mint also, because menthol is a vasodilatator of the nasal mucous membrane. It can be used as an inhalation in small amounts as well as for chest massages. Mental fatigue, stress, depressive states & headaches can be ameliorated if mint oil is applied over the temples. Mint oil is a powerful stimulant & tonic. Mint is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, for disinfection of the oral pocket & in cases of ear inflammation. Due to the fact that it has an antibacterial action it can diminish acne.Mint can be used to make tea, mouth rinse or mint oil.To make tea, boil 1 tsp. of leaves in 200ml of H2O. Drink tea cold, 3x a day. Mouth rinse is made out of 5g of mint oil dissolved in 95g of concentrate alcohol. A refreshing drink or antiseptic & it can remove bad smells or tastes. Mint oil mixed with hot H2O is used to treat the flu, laryngitis & hoarseness. A product obtained from 5g of mint oil & 95g of alcohol can be used to treat rheumatic pains & itching. Rheumatism can be treated also w/ mint baths, boil 200g of leaves in 3 liters of H2O & mixing the result w/H2O at 37 degrees Celsius.
Mint is also used as spice. Mint leaves can be used also in summer drinks or as a garnish. Cautions regarding the use of mint oil: it's not recommended to use mint oil during pregnancy & lactation or to apply it on babies' skin. For external use, the mint oil must be diluted, 30 drops ONLY of oil for use in a skin cream.

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Sep 22nd, 2012 at 11:22:02 PM PDT by
Thanks for your interest, fanned you back.
Sep 23rd, 2012 at 9:57:44 AM PDT by
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Fanned & watching.. hope I win :)
Sep 23rd, 2012 at 7:57:31 PM PDT by

25+ Mint Seed, (Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata) Many Uses is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category