These are GIRLS not infants or toddlers. Honestly beyond that you would have to look at a package. My daughter is 3 and was wearing them in a size 6 or 7 shoe.
P.s you won't be very successful being so rude! We asked simple questions bc it wasn't very clear on your auction! I know you'll just hide this comment too but I thought I'd let you know.
I wasn't being rude. I answered your question the best way I can in writing trying to make sure you understood they were GIRLS and not infants or toddlers. If you read that incorrectly that is your issue. As for my previous reply - there is a reason I typed the info in the description. Read around - a lot of other people would not have even replied if the info was in the original description. Clearly I don't have an issue with rudeness as people bid on my things regularly. You don't have to ... live and let live.
Please understand I would have marked these as infant or toddler not GIRLS if they were baby socks. GIRLS implies bigger. The package they came in was marked SMALL and I purchased them in the girls section, not the baby section. Not sure how else you would like me to describe them.
I'm sorry - unless someone outbids you I am afraid there is nothing else I can do. Please understand these were marked as GIRLS not infant or toddlers. Nothing was misleading about the post.