Free: Batteries!! Package of SIX Batteries!! - Healthcare Goods - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Batteries!! Package of SIX Batteries!!

Batteries!! Package of SIX Batteries!!
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The listing, Batteries!! Package of SIX Batteries!! has ended.

THESE ARE FOR ADULTS ONLY!! I bought these as a gag gift for someones 65th birthday party. They are a set of six AG13 batteries that is used in watches (and toys) and such BUT... they are from a gag shop so although the batteries are very normal and work just fine, the packaging says "SEX CELLS" and it also has a quote on the package that says " Designed to optimize your sex toys".. PLEASE don't get offended! This is simply a package of batteries that I would like to offer so they don't go to waste. The package says that they are good for replacing L1154, LR44, PX6A, KA76 and V13GA. THESE ARE REAL BATTERIES !!
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Batteries!! Package of SIX Batteries!! is in the Health & Beauty | Healthcare Goods category