It would! But I think it's a bit large for a ring setting. I would say this would be best for a pendant on a necklace. Especially because I purposely put tons of cracks through it to give a dazzling sparkle in the light! A good whack against a floor or wall might cause this to chip unlike other gem rings.
It doesnt have just (1) Big crack. It was heated to a temperature many thousands of degrees to get the stone to develop several smaller cracks. The individual cracks can only be seen about 1 foot away. They were put there because from a distance, the crackles provide a much nice sparkle.
I have never heard of heat treating a stone to generate cracks which produces sparkle, stones are valuable,with the least inclusions, you should have just put it in the middle of a baby diaper, set it on concrete and taken a 15lb iron hammer and slammed it down on top of the stone, then you would have several small citrines rather than one big one with a heat treated crack down the middle?
It's not a heat-treated crack down the center. I have already stated this. The heat allowed the cracks to form more uniformly.
And as to your comment about stones being more valuable, you are right. However, I don't care about value. From a distance, the crackles in the stone really make it look beautiful. But beauty changes per-person. So someone may enjoy it, and others may not want it.
I have been designing and manufacturing jewelry for 20 years and you have me in 2 minds about the treatment of this stone, Now I am questioning it beauty. But your last statement is what scares me.....Beauty changes per-person and So someone may enjoy it and others may not want it, is gramatically wrong, but your choice of words, "MAY ENJOY, MAY NOT WANT" these word shoud not be together in the same sentence not even be structured together by a person who speaks the english language.I know what you are trying to say, it is just real creepy the say you have said it and I never question my deceision a second time once I have made up my mind, but by these last statements I question it's value and beauty, but there is no reason I should not have everything that I desire, so I am going to bid, out other buyers and win this auction so I can see for myself and make up my mind weather or not this "heat treatment" is a benefit or not.
Well, in my opinion, it make it similar to Amber. Which has the minor cracks running all through it on some specimens.
No doubt the value of this stone is decreased, but beauty doesn't have to come expensive. Some people prefer abalone over diamonds. It lays within the eye of the wearer. And I think this would make a nice bit for a necklace pendant.
I enjoy experimenting with jewelry as well, and have been for 3 years, certainly no comparison to you though. But in MY opinion it looks interesting, and unique.
I love chemistry as well, and will probably be working on many different treatments and chemical processes. I'll be auctioning the resulting stones off here as well. For feedback on what people think of them.
Very nice stone, I have so many of these it's sick, so I am going to pass on bidding ONLY because I need to save credits for a wedding ring I want. :) But it is VERY nice!