The listing, 144 gold plate 10 mm xl jump rings has ended.
Gold plate over surgical steel. 10mm jump rings
I will only ship to addresses that have been verified via Listia's shipping address rules (check out Listia rules: Shipping Addresses section or go directly to the form at: & that have been sent to me directly through Listia (& not through e-mail), which can be done after the auction ends. If you are not willing to send me your shipping address directly through Listia, then I cannot ship this to you.
Please feel free to ask questions, leave comments, 'like' on FB, Tweet... BUT Keep it NICE... Negativity WILL NOT be Tolerated, and will ONLY get you Blocked...
Thanx to everyone who bids, and ALL who stop by! Have a GREAT week!!
I also have stuff on ebay under the name espbargains