200 watt inverter will run a 100 watt light bulb good if you got a strong battery --if u r in a auto because your auto needs power to also to operate as u use the inverter
Watts divided by input volts (12) = the DC amp consumption per hour of a battery
Usage Chart for Some Common Appliances
Appliance Est. Watts Appliance Est. Watts Coffee pot (10 cup) 1200 VCR 40-60 Coffee pot (4 cup) 650 CD or DVD Player 35 Toaster 800-1500 Stereo 30-100 Cappuccino Maker 1250 Clock Radio 50 Coffee Grinder 100 Blender 300 Microwave (600 to 1000 W cooking power) 1100-2000 W (elec. consumption) Laptop Computer PC & Monitor
50-75 200-400 Waffle iron 1200 Game Console (X-Box) 100 Hot plate 1200 Space Heater 1000-1500 Frying pan 1200 Iron 1000 Toaster Oven 1200 Washing machine 920 Blow dryer 900-1500 12" 3 speed table fan 230 Cell phone charger 20 TV - 12" B&W 30 Light Bulb 60, 100 Lamp with 3 bulbs 180, 300
i love these things , i have one in my truck , 18 wheeler , it connects my fridge , tv , microwave , ps 3 and a fan they are powerful , i just cant run everything at the same time i can run 4 things at a time