The listing, VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Dolphin Charm has ended.
Christmas is just around the corner!!!!
VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Dolphin Charm
Comes from a smoke-free, hairy pet-free home
I will only ship to addresses that have been verified via Listia's shipping address rules (check out Listia rules: Shipping Addresses section or go directly to the form at: & that have been sent to me directly through Listia (& not through e-mail), which can be done after the auction ends. If you are not willing to send me your shipping address directly through Listia, then I cannot ship this to you.
I will NOT lower the day's are starting credits due to I am paying for shipping and it's rude to ask that.. This Auction is NOT just for you it's for EVERYONE! No rude comment's you will be blocked from comment's and reported.. Thank's and have a wonder day and remember to check out my other Auction'
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.´¸¸.•¨¯`*•´ (¸.•Good Luck And Happy Bidding