Free: Mimosa Tree Seeds 20+ Free Shipping - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Mimosa Tree Seeds 20+ Free Shipping

Mimosa Tree Seeds 20+ Free Shipping
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20+ beautiful pink flowering Mimosa tree seeds with free shipping
Questions & Comments
How long do they take to sprout?
Oct 9th, 2012 at 3:55:06 PM PDT by
I'm not sure... Good question I will have to google that or look in my books for you. I will get back to you on it...;-)
Oct 9th, 2012 at 5:56:15 PM PDT by
I copied this from Dave's Garden website I just googled how to germinate Mimosa. But there were more than one opinion through the many i read it can go anywhere from three days to three weeks depending on how you for prep your seed

""They need constant bottom heat and lay a newspaper over the top of the container to stop the light getting into the seeds till you see little green seed leaves appear, remove the newspaper to let some more light into the seeds but protect the seedlings from too much direct sunlight, keep the bottom heat steady at this time, then when the seeds are large enough to handle (two sets of leaves) pot the seedlings individually into small pots, put back into the heat again, once you are sure they have good roots, slowly reduce the temp and get them eventually used to no bottom heat, by then the weather should be warm enough to stop all heat and they will grow away all by themselves without heat, dont over water them either, put them into one pot size up each time they outgrow the pots till they are large enough to be treated as full grown plants, feed them spring and summer every 2 weeks for good flowering, they will need cut back when they outgrow their space unless they are outdoor plants. good luck.""
Oct 9th, 2012 at 10:08:09 PM PDT by

Mimosa Tree Seeds 20+ Free Shipping is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category